Rotten Addresses the Race Card!

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issue this time is Race.  I recently posted a pic that I thought was funny.  It was Reagan holding the chimp in the movie Bedtime for Bonzo or something and the caption said it was an old photo of Reagan feeding Obama.  Not in the best taste but I thought it was humorous.  And yes I suppose it was a bit racist.  Then I am called out for it because I post too many racist things.  Which, I think infers that I am a racist.    Before you can judge me you should know me a little better.



My old man was a soldier and there were 6 of us kids.  Mom didn't work outside the home.  She had a full time job just raising us. We were quite poor.  I never really thought any thing of it.  My ol'man made sure we always had a roof, food, and things we needed.  But sometimes those roofs weren't in the best neighborhoods.  There were a lot of blacks where we lived. For the most part, we all got along in the 60s.   The military was integrated long before society ever got around to it. My ol'man was very racist.  I couldn't understand it and hated that about him.  I had lots of black friends.  Our folks didn't like each other but we all got along just fine.

Fast forward a little.  I lived just outside Washington D.C. because Dad was stationed there.  It was April '68. James Earle Ray assassinated Matrin Luther King. In 68 I was 13 years old.  I witnessed firsthand the world coming to an end.  The blacks were rioting, burning buildings, looting, just generally destroying anything they could find.  We whites were all scared to death.  I remember my mother trying to hide the fact that she was worryed about my ol'man getting home.  He had called her and told her he was going to have to go home a different way.  Everything changed then.  Blacks and Whites were clashing all the time.

Fast forward again.  1970.  I lived in Hampton Virginia.  15 years old and hanging out at the beach, I had missed my curfew to be home.  That was not something we took lightly at my house and I was going to be in trouble.  I took the quick way home to get there as fast as I could.  Out of no where a gang of black kids, 6 or so chased me down and beat the living shit right outta me.  A neighbor came out of the house and chased them off.  I had been beaten very severely requiring medical attention.  I didn't get in trouble at home that night.

High school in Virginia was a nightmare.  The blacks were the majority and used intimidation to get whatever they wanted.  I was "mugged: by a couple in the gymnasium.  They took my money and my watch.

1973.  Harrisburgh Farmshow Arena.  My first wife and I went to see Grand Funk Railroad.  it was a great show.  While walking to our car we were both jumped by a gang of mixed male and female blacks.  Both of us were beaten pretty badly.  Upon returning with friends and firepower we couldn't find any of them.  I would have killed a nigger that night.  Make no mistake.  In my mind, they were and probably still are niggers.  All of this shit happened before I was 20 years old. 

 While serving in the military we had "race relations" shoved down our throat.  There really wasn't a huge problem between the troops.  We worked together and basically kept to ourselves in our off time.  The only real issues erupted after the mandatory race relations seminars because the classes themselves would get everyone all wound up.  As I gained rank, I eventually became the barracks SGT.  Lucky me. That was when the racial shit started for me in the military. I had somewhere in the neighborhood of 70 black guys, and maybe a dozen puerto rican guys, and one other white guy in the barracks.  My job was to keep the barracks running smooth. Duty rosters, cleanup crews, etc.  When dealing with an authorative figure, the race card is the black guys way or getting what they want.  I would catch shit from the CO and 1st SGT if things weren't right.  I'd look on the duty roster and tell him "So and so was supposed to do it.  I've warned him three times now perhaps he needs a talking to from you".  Would never happen back then.  Our CO had been accused once of racism and wasn't about to discipline a black.  A Major could forget about Colonel with a mark like that.That was the 70's. I had had enough by 79 and left the service. 

  Living in Maryland, I applied for a job at a printing company.  My buddy's girlfriend was an executive secretary there and got me an application.  There were a dozen of us trying for two jobs.  We were all hired for a two week trial.  I aced every machine.  Was early to arrive every day.  I was the only one of the dozen who could run the one envelope machine.  I didn't get a job.  They hired a black guy and a woman.  Needed the affirmative action hires. 


 I knew a lot of black people in Maryland.  Have some really good friends down there who are black.  I like to think that after we all got through the 70's and moved on a little, we kinda got past that racial bullshit.  The black neighborhood was connected to my neighorhood and my particular road was the closest route from thier houses to the main part of town.  I lived there for years and the only racial incidents I can remember is once a rowdy bunch of black kids were giving an old couple trying to drive down the street a hard time.  And to be honest, it may have just been a coincidence that thier victim was white which would make it totally un-race related. By and large there were few racial incidents. 

I did a short stint as an ice cream man.  Shitty job all the way around.  I drove the only truck in the fleet with bars on the windows and doors.  Yes, I was robbed at gunpoint.  Yes, the robbers were black. I went through the absolute worst neighborhoods and usually mine was the only white face in the development.  But that was never a racial thing either.  They were dopers who had to feed the habit.  They would have robbed whoever was driving that truck.   Another time at another jobsite I found myself in a confrontation with a guy who was A. Loaded B. Twice my size.  I wasn't sure my 4ft level was going to bring him down but htat was my plan if he got any closer.  All of a sudden he chilled and left.  When I looked around, I had two members of the Thunderguards (much respect) a black club out of Wilmington DE standing behind me. I was pretty sure they saved me an asswhupin.   I don't think that there were huge race problems at that time. 

Now, there is no reason for any black person to say he isn't getting a fair shake.  The do good politically correct, bleeding hearts have managed to skew the playing field decidedly in favor of the black man.  I know my liberal friends up here in Maine are probably freakin out right about now, but that's tough shit.  I've lived with them all of my life before I moved up here and that's just the way things are. I never saw white kids playing basketball till I moved to Maine. In the city, white kids could get killed trying to get in a game of B-ball.  There are two sets of standards out there, one for people of color and one for the white guy. And they are seriously tilted to the black man's favor.  The ones all the liberals parade out as poor disadvantedged are more than likely better off leaching off the system. Don't do them any favors by providing jobs, they are happy right where they are. 


And now.  40 some years after MLK was assasinated, we have the New Black Panthers who's motto is freedom or death.  Rev Al and Jesse are constantly out there trying to stir shit up.  Trayvon was probably acting like a punk gangster.  You know it and I know it. He may not have had a gun, but when he thought the other guy was unarmed, he was probably acting like a thug. Shit happens.  Noone seems to bat an eye when blacks kill other blacks.  That is the #1 type of homicide in this country. Black men killing black men.   And we're all not supposed to notice things like that?   Mr Farrakan and the rest of you Islamic assholes, just what the fuck do you want.  Seriously. What?  The freaking President of the United States is a black man. If that isn't affirmative action I don't know what is.  I'm sick of your whining and crying and throwing out the race card every time I turn around.  We need the New Black Panthers like a freakin fish needs a bicycle. 

It's time white people stop fearing the black people. And black people have got to stop trying to intimidate the white guy. If it takes a concealed carry permit to make the fear go away, go get one.  Take self defense courses,  carry a roll of quarters in a sock, whatever it takes.   You don't owe the black man a thing.  He has access to whatever resources you have in addition to all the special ones he gets for being black.  

As you can see, I have had my fair share of personal experiences interacting with blacks.  The violent shit was years ago and things were different back then.  I can see that now.  So, I've been called a racist.  Perhaps deep down I stil harbor some bad feelings to all the blacks who ever wronged me.  But over the years, I like to think that I have grown out of all that shit.   A man or woman should be judged for what they are, and I seriously try to do that.  Do I hate blacks. Not at all. I hate niggers though and believe me, there is a big difference.


I was on the fence about leaving this page up.  I re-read it and decided that it should stay for a while longer.  Obviously I still have some issues. But none of these issues reared thier ugly heads until the Obama administration from the pres right down, played the race card. Over and over again.  I call bullshit. Simply disagreeing with the assholes will get you called racist