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It's probably not surprising that FB is one of the things that piss me off. I am in the process of re-writing my rant. A few days ago I was really pissed and it was pretty obvious throughout the diatribe I had composed. I'm still pissed because I don't feel another 30 day suspension was warranted. Let's face it, most of us know when we have crossed the line. The problem I have is "who gets to draw the line?" I have received the "doesn't conform to community standards" message complete with 3,7, and 30 day suspensions many times and each time I "appeal" and each time it is denied. Lets take a look at the "community standards". I can only speak for what comes across my page but it looks to me that much of that community rejects liberalism. The left and perhaps Mr. Zuckerberg himself is blind to the fact that we are part of that community and we are tired of being censored. There are many of us. I read a lot of comments and people all over this country are sick and tired of the liberal one world order bullshit. We have been forced to listen to them scream for blood. This impeachment inquiry is crap and we all know it. The democrats have done nothing but obstruct this president since day one. He hurts their feelings, he says mean things, he's upsetting the DC applecart and that is exactly what we elected him to do. In spite of the hatred coming from the left, especially all those California asshole Congressional embarrassments, President Trump has rocked it. Jobs are back and if you don't have one, you don't want one. The lowest unemployment ever for minorities, the rest is the best since '64. He's a genius when it comes to the deal and look who's back at the table. China. He's the first president with the balls to take on China. Every damn one of them since Regan has complained about unfair trade practices without doing a damn thing about it. And let's not forget his buddy "Rocketman Kim". Same thing. They all bitched and moaned about N Korea and didn't do a damn thing. President Trump has brought him to the table. Talks may or may not continue in the near future, after all, Kim is a nutcase and we have no idea if he will do what he says. Our president has gone after NATO and now they are starting to ante up. We are over there protecting their asses and many of them are not paying the agreed amount to support operations. He's gotten results. He's gotten results on immigration despite the hoards that attack the southern border funded by Soros and many churches, even getting some of his wall built. All in all, a pretty good record and only the tip of the iceberg. Imagine the shit that he could have done had Congress actually worked with him instead of trying to overthrow the legitimate president of this country.

Here's another little something. Those who actually know me also know I am not homophobic. I don't freakin' care. The
thing I don't like is having it shoved down my throat. I don't like it shoved down our children's throat even more. Let the kids be kids and leave their freakin gender alone. I get tired of seeing you being the darlings of the media, appearing on talk shows and all over TV. Wikki says that 4.5 percentage of Americans identify as an elgubeecutie. To see any media, TV, commercials, magazines and of course movies, you would think half of us must gay.

I'm a bricklayer. I don't have any degrees or anything, but I can tell you why more black people are arrested in places like Baltimore and Minneapolis. White folks don't go in their neighborhoods unless they're looking for drugs and they ain't going to murder their customers. Unless they think they have to. Which may account for a few of the murders last year. Political correctness prevents us from being honest about it and until we are, we ain't going to fix it.

What would make me happy...….hmmmm

Right outta the gate, term limits. No more career politicians. It's a damn shame we have so many millionaires who have been politicians their entire lives. I like an 8 year limit across the board.

America first would also make me happy. No ILLEGAL ALIENS accepted until every citizen is fed. Safe places for those who simply cannot conform to the norm and refuse help, getting them off the street. I firmly believe that given a place to do it, most would rather not shit on the sidewalk. Make housing and jobs available for any citizen who wants it. I've been on the shitty end of the stick. It sucks. When you're poor, you are one disaster away from the street. It's a vicious cycle with failure waiting for you at the end. I think we can do better. I know we can do better.

I would like to see morals come back. In the past decade it seems that social mores went to shit. Decadent would not be the wrong adjective. Pop stars being just about as vulgar on stage as you can possibly be, a Congresswomen telling her grade schooler "we're going to impeach the motherfucker" claiming "that's just how we talk in Detroit", San Francisco allowing it's homeless to shit on the sidewalk, Baltimore and Chicago competing for the most homicides, are a few examples. Right now, Governors all over the country are releasing convicts. Some have been convicted of violent crimes up to and including murder. I'm not going to go into the reasons why, you can look that up. The backlash has already started because several have reoffended shortly after their release.